Page last updated: August 19, 2019
In Ophelia’s Ghost (set in the American Southwest in 1958) Eva, an anthropologist in her mid-30s, disappears from her campsite in the Canyons of the Ancients . . . Now, 25 years earlier in Fall of ’33, from the window of a train, 12-year-old Eva looks back—observing, associating, remembering the fall of 1933, her last twenty days on her family’s farm nestled in Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains.
With her parents Doc and Leah, Eva rides the train west, to the Century of Progress World’s Fair in Chicago, across the Plains, and on to their new home in Django, Colorado. With Billy, she finds her first young love, learns about her family’s ghostly past, and discovers mysteries about herself. Grandfather Poppy prepares her for life-changing journeys as he relates the stories of her family’s Indian and mystical ancestry in Virginia, dating back to Shakespeare’s time and before.
While inventing new games, exploring the woods around their farm, and joining family and friends in traditional social gatherings in 1933 rural Virginia, Eva’s experiences unveil secrets of the past, present, and future. The darkness of this period—economic depression, drought, and burgeoning eugenics—is balanced by the shining potential of the human imagination.
GARY L. ENTSMINGER—writer, naturalist, computer programmer, and poet—studied English
at Washington and Lee University. He has written two novels, numerous nonfiction
books and scientific articles, and null-model biodiversity software.
SUSAN E. ELLIOTT—writer, ecologist, and artist—studied botany and French at Humboldt State University and has a Ph.D. in biology from Dartmouth College.
Remembering the Parables (2010): Using the ancient Art of Memory to remember the
parables of Jesus. (7.5"x9.25" paperback, black and white paintings, 160 pages, $18.00).
Making the Most of WriteItNow 4 (2010): A guide to using WriteItNow writing software.
(7.5"x9.25" paperback, 134 instructive figures, 112 pages, $16.00).
Ophelia’s Ghost (2008): A novel exploring the Anasazi, Ancient Cultures, the Art
of Memory, Shakespeare, UFOs, and the Moon. (6"x9" paperback, 292 pages, $15.00).
Two Miles West (2015) Poems (6"x9" paperback, 112 pages, $16.00).
Four Ravens (2019) Poems (6"x9" paperback, 118 pages, $17.00).
Page last updated: August 19, 2019