Page last updated: August 19, 2019
WriteItNow 4 is the ideal writing software
for novice and experienced writers.
to effective, efficient use of the software.
With state-of-the-art writing tools (chapter, scene, character, location, event, note, and idea editors, spell checker, and thesaurus), creativity features (idea generators, graphs, prompts, add-ons), and classy formatting/export options, WriteItNow 4 takes you from first idea to final manuscript with EASE.
Making the Most of WriteItNow 4 enables you to optimize your writing experience. You'll quickly learn how to use WriteItNow's essential tools and features. You'll get advice from established authors, while being encouraged to let your personal writing style come out. Step-by-step examples of all major features show you WriteItNow in ACTION.
Instead of learning by trial and error, let MAKING THE MOST OF WRITEITNOW 4 be your guide and enhance your writing experience.
With MAKING THE MOST OF WRITEITNOW 4, you’ll learn how to:
By Ravenshead Services:
“WriteItNow 4 includes extensive help which describes each of the program's functions. This book doesn't duplicate this information. Instead it provides practical tips and help from a writer's perspective which describe how to use the software when writing a book.”
Ophelia’s Ghost (2008): A novel exploring the Anasazi, Ancient Cultures, the Art
of Memory, Shakespeare, UFOs, and the Moon. (6"x9" paperback, 292 pages, $15.00).
Remembering the Parables (2010): Using the ancient Art of Memory to remember the
parables of Jesus. (7.5"x9.25" paperback, black and white paintings, 160 pages, $18.00).
Fall of ’33 (2013): A sequel to Ophelia's Ghost, set in the Blue Ridge Mountains
in 1933. (6"x9" paperback, 214 pages, $17.00).
Two Miles West (2015) Poems (6"x9" paperback, 112 pages, $16.00).
Four Ravens (2019) Poems (6"x9" paperback, 118 pages, $17.00).
Page last updated: August 19, 2019